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SAD – Sostegno A Distanza

AINA adheres to “Linee Guida per il Sostegno a Distanza di minori e giovani” (The Guidelines for the long-distance support of minors and young men) released by the Agency for the Onlus (NGOs). We operate in the respect of the principles specified in the Guidelines, granting to supporters and beneficiaries transparency and quality regarding the projects, clear and complete informations about the financial contributions to sustain the children and the community they belong to. AINA is present with a personal page in the List of Organizations SaD established by the Agency for the Onlus (NGOs) to the following link.

What is it

What is it

The long-distance support is a form of solidareity that allows many to receive an education, food, clothes, familiar help, without having to abandon their own Country of origin.

  • It is a moral commitment, not a legal one;
  • It favors a social enhancement with an intervention that could be of first necessity, socio-sanitary, scholastic, educational, regarding microcredit, regarding infrastructure, etc.
  • The Beneficiaries could be single children, young women and men, schools, families, or entire communities;
  • The Supporters – with a consecutive financial commitment for a variable period of time, accordingly to the realities of intervention and the relevant Associations – could be privates, a group of people, a class, an institution;

Where do we support children

Where do we support children

The children supported by AINA – regarding the SaD (Long-distance Support) program – live in Kenya at The “Children of the noon” village (Central Meru).

How to start the “Long-distance Support” for a child

How to start the “Long-distance Support” for a child

What is the annual commitment

What is the annual commitment

The minimum commitment required to activate the “Long-distance Support” is of at least 1 year.
It is possible to support a child with the following modalities:

  • Euro 420,00 per year to provide food, accommodation, medical assistance and education;
  • Euro 240,00 per year o provide exclusively education;
  • Euro 180,00 per year to provide food, accommodation and medical assistance;
  • Euro 360,00 per year for secondary school;
  • Euro 680,00 annui per gli studenti del college;

The sponsor will receive photographs as well all the information regarding the supported child.

A.I.N.A.- Onlus is part of “La Gabbianella”, coordination of all the associations that take care of Long-distance Scholastic Support.